Someone please help me..My ex and I dated for 9 months. She was really invested in the relationship and was the best partner I've ever had! Things progressed quickly, and we even considered marriage. At first, it was difficult for me to trust her, but she won my heart, and I fell deeply in love with her. We had many plans for the future, and we spent most of our days together....After a few months, something changed. She started behaving rudely and picking fights over small things... During one argument, she decided to end things for good... It was devastating for me, and for the next three months, I tried everything to win her back. But all she did was insult me and treat me badly. It took me nearly a year to move on from her without any contact..But still I find I am not able to move on from her thoughts and her behvaiour. All that have created enermous anger in me and I do not know how to get rid of it.
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Sorry for the late reply.
Arun, Your anger is very natural. Lots of people experiences the same when they go through break-up. But in every relationship there are beautiful moments. You have to learn to remember those moments and allow mind to feel comfort with it. When people are in love, in emotions they make certain promises but as you know emotions are temporary so words said in emotions are true but not for forever. It has expiry date. Love that you two have shared is the only way to forgive eachother. What you need to do is to accept the fact and you have to tell your mind that if I had loved her truly then each n every mistake of her is forgivable. We all do the mistakes. We all desires the forgiveness and to forgive someone you don't even need to put efforts. It's just word that you need to tell your mind and that can done by you only.