Divine Dawn want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines:
Be respectful and kind: This is a space for people to share their thoughts and experiences on spirituality. Disagreements are bound to happen, but please remember to respect other people's beliefs and opinions. Treat others with kindness and compassion.
No hate speech: Any comments or posts that contain hate speech or discriminatory language will not be tolerated. This includes comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive.
Keep it on topic: This forum is specifically for discussions related to spirituality. Please refrain from posting off-topic comments or threads.
No self-promotion: Do not use the forum as a platform to promote your own spiritual services, products, or websites. Such posts will be removed.
No spamming: Posting the same message or comment multiple times or flooding the forum with irrelevant content is not allowed.
Do not share personal information: It is not recommended to share personal information, such as phone numbers or home addresses, on this forum. Keep the discussion focused on spiritual topics.
Respect privacy: Do not share information about other people's spiritual experiences without their permission. Respect their privacy and boundaries.
Be open-minded: This forum is a place to discuss and explore spirituality. Please approach the discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn from others.
Keep personal attacks off the forum: If you have a personal issue with another forum member, please handle it privately and not on the forum. Do not use the forum to publicly attack or harass another member.
Stay safe online: Protect your personal information when using the forum. Do not share sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or passwords, on the forum.
Follow the terms of service: Be sure to read and follow the terms of service for the forum. Violating these terms can result in consequences, such as being banned from the forum.
Report inappropriate behavior: If you encounter any inappropriate behavior or content, please report it to the forum moderator.
Enjoy the forum: We hope that this forum provides a safe and welcoming space for you to share your thoughts and learn from others. Enjoy the discussions and have fun!