Once only, a hero was born
In the kingdom of Ayodhya, he was adored
With strength and virtue, he led the way
On a journey, to save Sita, night and day.
With Hanuman, by his side so true
And the vanaras, who followed through
Ram set forth, on his noble quest
To rescue Sita, from the demon's nest.
Through trials and battles, he did fight
With courage and grace, he shone so bright
His determination, it knew no bounds
And the demons, they trembled at the very sounds.
At last, he reached Lanka's shore
Where Sita was held, captive and poor
In a fierce battle, he did engage
With the demon king, who was filled with rage.
But Ram was strong, and fought with might
His victory, a shining light
And Sita was rescued, from her plight
And the kingdom of Lanka, was set aright.
So let us learn from this tale so true
Of Ram's devotion, and his love for Sita too
For in our hearts, a hero we can be
With courage and strength, to set our spirit free.