Divine Dawn
sowing seeds of joy
"The universe is the body of God." -Sant Namdev
"Serve the Lord with devotion, and you will attain liberation." -Sant Namdev
"Love is the only way to connect with God." -Sant Namdev
"All beings are equal in the eyes of God." -Sant Namdev
"The essence of religion is to serve others." -Sant Namdev
"True humility is the way to God." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord is always present within us; we just need to realize it." -Sant Namdev
"The mind is the cause of both bondage and liberation." -Sant Namdev
"The path of devotion is the easiest and most effective way to reach God." -Sant Namdev
"Do not harm any living being, for they are all embodiments of God." -Sant Namdev
"Without love, there can be no true devotion." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's name is the most powerful force in the universe." -Sant Namdev
"One who sees God in all beings truly understands the nature of the universe." -Sant Namdev
"God is the only refuge in this world of suffering." -Sant Namdev
"Surrendering to God is the only way to overcome the ego." -Sant Namdev
"The true guru is one who leads us to God." -Sant Namdev
"Through devotion, one can attain anything." -Sant Namdev
"The path of love is the path of God." -Sant Namdev
"The mind that is constantly absorbed in the Lord's name is free from all suffering." -Sant Namdev
"The path of devotion is the path of joy." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's grace is always available to those who seek it." -Sant Namdev
"The true test of devotion is how one treats others." -Sant Namdev
"One who serves the Lord with love is never alone." -Sant Namdev
"God is not distant; He is within us." -Sant Namdev
"One who lives with humility and devotion will attain the Lord." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's name is the only way to purify the mind." -Sant Namdev
"The true seeker of God has no desire for worldly possessions." -Sant Namdev
"The path of devotion is open to all, regardless of caste or creed." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's name is the sweetest nectar for the soul." -Sant Namdev
"One who surrenders to the Lord with love is free from all fear." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's grace is always greater than our sins." -Sant Namdev
"One who serves the Lord with devotion is never in want." -Sant Namdev
"The true devotee sees the Lord's hand in every aspect of life." -Sant Namdev
"The Lord's name is the greatest treasure." -Sant Namdev
"One who meditates on the Lord's name is always in bliss." -Sant Namdev
"The path of devotion is the path of liberation." -Sant Namdev